Life Update #2: my crazy start to 2019

Okay, okay. can we please talk about how fast time flies? Because I cannot believe we’re already halfway through March. Congratulations to all of us: we have officially survived the darkest months of the year: January and February.

Looking back on the previous three months I feel like nothing has changed but at the same time everything is different. It was all about getting to know new people, improving my french, exploring new places in France and getting accepted at University.


So many things happened at once and here I am sitting in my bed still contemplating whether this is real life or not. Because GUYS.


Do I have to mention the massive feeling of relief I’ve felt ever since I received a letter saying that I was going to start studying this upcoming September? I don’t think so. After having numerous crises what to do after my time abroad (so. many. things I want to achieve in life goodness me) and whether I’m making the right choices, I went ahead and wrote my application back in January. Everything went in the blink of an eye from then on. I got invited to an interview, flew back from Paris for a few days to take an entry exam and to get interviewed face to face and finally received a letter in March telling me the date my courses are starting. Wow.

I do have to admit that I feel an ounce of nervousness. Which is normal I guess?? New surroundings, new people, new opportunities, new everything. I am actually growing up WHAT.

Skiing in France.

There is no doubt that for me as an Austrian, skiing is something I genuinely love and it is probably the only sports that excites me (lol I wish this was a lie but it’s not). Now imagine my reaction when my host parents asked me if I wanted to join them skiing in the french mountains aka something which has been on my bucket list for years.
Even though my legs were so sore, I struggled a lot walking down the stairs after a full week of skiing, I honestly had the best time and I’m so grateful that I was allowed to experience skiing somewhere else other than Austria (still love you Austria, dw).

Blogging goals.

Yes, I might not have been as active on my blog as usual during February and March but that doesn’t mean I completely neglected writing. I have been planning and writing posts for the past weeks, as there is something really exciting happening quite soon on here and I cannot wait to show you guys. I wanted to make 2019 the year of realising everything I’ve had at the back of my mind for a long time (probably far too long) so this is my first big step of doing just that. EEEK. Stay tuned!

French improvements.

Right, I know you guys already must be so annoyed of me constantly talking about my french, but this is something I wanted to write down for me to look back on in a few years’ time (hi future me, how ya doin’). This year has been a real game changer when it comes to my french. Believe it or not, but I actually kind of start understanding native speakers when they don’t talk extra nicely just for me! WHAT! The first time I properly realised how much of an improvement I’d made, was when I was on my way to the airport in February and I actually had a full on conversation with a stranger for 30 minutes!! Okay, this person still had to repeat some sentences maybe once or twice (definitely more than twice) but I cannot describe you that feeling of accomplishment I have felt ever since. Don’t get me wrong, I still have a rather long way to go and I know I won’t achieve the level of french I want to be on within the next few years, but I successfully made the first step. And it feels great.

Even though January was full of applying and studying, I am still incredibly pleased with how 2019 has started off. If there’s anything you guys want to achieve in life, all I can say is: stay focused, be brave and work hard. It’ll definitely pay off one day and it’s something I try and tell myself every single day, over and over again.

How has your year been so far and have you sticked to your new years’ resolutions? Are there any new goals you want to achieve this year? Let me know in the comments and let’s have a chat!

xo Malena

16 Comments Add yours

  1. Hannah Cartwright says:

    Congratualtions on getting into Uni! Sounds like you’ve had such an amazing and postive start to the year!

    – Hannah X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. malenablogs says:

      Thank you so much! Yes, I couldn’t be any happier!! x


  2. nikita2829 says:

    I’m definitely improving my Chinese! I still have a long way to go through, and I’m trying to blog at least once a month!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. malenablogs says:

      Wow! I can’t even imagine how hard it must be to learn chinese! That’s incredible!! Well done you


  3. poutineandprada says:

    Congratulations on your university acceptance! That’s so exciting! Also, I love your coat.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. malenablogs says:

      Thank you so much! (and the coat is from ASOS; in case you want to get your hands on it x)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. poutineandprada says:

        Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I took a bit of a break from my blog as well during February, sometimes it’s needed. Congrats on starting university!

    Cheers! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. malenablogs says:

      Exactly! Sometimes life just happens and that’s okay. Thank you! x


  5. Anaïs N. says:

    Please don’t call me a freak or a stalker or whatever but I loved reading more about your life haha !
    Everything is so exciting!!! Where are you going to for university? Austria?
    Also, I think I’ve already told you on Twitter but if you want to practice your french with me, feel free to!

    And, all of your pictures are stunning btw!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. malenablogs says:

      Hahah you have no idea how happy that makes me so no, I don’t think you’re a stalker!
      The University is in Austria but I will publish a post in the future explaining everything, so keep your eyes peeled! 👀
      I’d LOVE to practice my french with you! However, I might feel a bit shy at first so bare with me please haha
      Thank you love, you’re too kind xx

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I am so pleased for you!! This all sounds very positive and exciting.
    Especially that you managed to speak French for 30 minutes!
    I’ve lived in Greece 3 years and still can’t string a sentence together 🙈

    I cancelled all my resolutions as I had a bit of a breakdown in February so February was officially my new year and I’ve decided to go back to studying again exciting and scary times ahead 😁😁

    Good luck, looking forwards to seeing what your future looks like!!

    Jess (coffee and corfu) xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. malenablogs says:

      Thank you so much!
      Greek does sound (and look) VERY difficult so I completely understand haha
      WOW that is such good news!! I am so happy for you Jess! I wish I could say anything to calm your nervousness but I feel equally the same way – excited and terrified 😄

      Thank you, Jess. You’re too kind xx


  7. I can’t believe how quickly this year is going either! Lovely photos! I’ve been skiing in France, it’s great fun but tiring!



    1. malenablogs says:

      Thank you! x


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